martes, 19 de octubre de 2010


Kelly is 22 years old. She lives in Madrid (San Bernardo) but she comes from Michigan. She has one brother called Brian. Her parents´names are Barry and Kendra. Her birthday is on 1st February. She is vegetarian. She is not married. She doesn´t have pets. Her best friend is Stefany. She speaks two languages:English and a little bit of Spanish. Her studies are History of Arts. It´s the second time she´s in Spain.

Her hobbies are photography and drawing. Her favourite sport is volleyball and baseball. The food she like to eat are salads. Also she have a favourite colour tahat is black. She don´t have pets but her favourite animal is the cat. She like TV. Her favourite TV program is "House". Also has a favourite film that it is "The Wizard of Oz". Her favourite mmusic is the classic music. She love books.

She loves children. She likes our high schoool. She likes Spain because the weather is better than in Michigan.


BY:Lydia,Guillermo,Cristina and Estrella

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